Selasa, 10 November 2020




From constructivism theory, I learned that learning is an active process. This means that students are allowed to be active in the learning process. They are allowed to build ideas about learning materials based on the knowledge they have. In this constructivism theory, learning will be linked to students' experiences, because with experience they will know how they learn effectively. So they will find a "learning method" that suits themselves. The purpose of this theory is to teach students to be responsible, develop students 'ability to ask questions if there is material that is not understood, and develop students' ability to think independently.

From the explanation above, I can conclude that one of the advantages of this theory is that students are allowed to be active in learning so that learning is not teacher-centered. With this activity, students will indirectly increase their sense of responsibility and self-confidence. However, behind that advantage there are definitely deficiencies. The deficiency is that students are independent in the learning process, so if there are students who are embarrassed to ask questions because they do not understand the material in depth, then these students will be trapped in ignorance. Another deficiency, if the student is asked to be independent in finding out about learning topic material, there will be a lot of material obtained.

The benefit that I get from studying constructivism theory is this theory has given me an idea of how the way to teach that I can practice later, such as, I will allow students to be active in the learning process and let them build ideas according to the material discussed & their experiences.

What I want to ask is, by allowing children to be independent in finding out about material on learning topics, how do teachers handle the material each student gets so that the initial learning objectives can be achieved? Because of course the material that students will get varies.


Thank you for reading my journal. I hope my journal can increase your knowledge. I hope you like it too. Stay safe and healthy.


Salma Aprilia Putri