Selasa, 10 November 2020




From constructivism theory, I learned that learning is an active process. This means that students are allowed to be active in the learning process. They are allowed to build ideas about learning materials based on the knowledge they have. In this constructivism theory, learning will be linked to students' experiences, because with experience they will know how they learn effectively. So they will find a "learning method" that suits themselves. The purpose of this theory is to teach students to be responsible, develop students 'ability to ask questions if there is material that is not understood, and develop students' ability to think independently.

From the explanation above, I can conclude that one of the advantages of this theory is that students are allowed to be active in learning so that learning is not teacher-centered. With this activity, students will indirectly increase their sense of responsibility and self-confidence. However, behind that advantage there are definitely deficiencies. The deficiency is that students are independent in the learning process, so if there are students who are embarrassed to ask questions because they do not understand the material in depth, then these students will be trapped in ignorance. Another deficiency, if the student is asked to be independent in finding out about learning topic material, there will be a lot of material obtained.

The benefit that I get from studying constructivism theory is this theory has given me an idea of how the way to teach that I can practice later, such as, I will allow students to be active in the learning process and let them build ideas according to the material discussed & their experiences.

What I want to ask is, by allowing children to be independent in finding out about material on learning topics, how do teachers handle the material each student gets so that the initial learning objectives can be achieved? Because of course the material that students will get varies.


Thank you for reading my journal. I hope my journal can increase your knowledge. I hope you like it too. Stay safe and healthy.


Salma Aprilia Putri

Rabu, 16 September 2020


    Behaviorism is a theory of learning which states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a process called conditioning.

1.      John Broadus Watson

            The behaviorist movement began in 1913 when John Watson wrote an article entitled 'Psychology as the behaviorist views it.' Watson completed experiments with baby Albert and white rat. To conduct the experiment Watson and his assistant Rayner placed the boy in a room where a white rat was allowed to roam around. First, the boy showed no fear. Then Rayner struck a steel bar with a hammer every time Albert reached out to touch the rat, scaring Albert and causing him to cry. Eventually, Albert tried to get away from the rat. Weeks later Albert showed distress towards any furry object. Watson assumed that our behavior is either a reflex evoked by a stimulus or a consequence of our individual history of earlier exposure to reinforcements and punishment paired with our curret motivational states and stimuli.

2.     Arthur W. Staats

            Arthur W. Staats  psychological behaviorism extends behaviorism to the field of psychology. The components of psychology include personality, learning, and emotions. Staats was the first person to propose that personality consists of a repertoire of learned behaviors. These behaviors stem from the interactions between the environment, biology, cognition, and emotions. According to Staats  personality theory, there are three behavioral repertoires that contribute to a theory of personality. The first of these is sensory-motor repertoire, which includes sensory-motor skills and attentional and social skills. The second is language-cognitive repertoire, and the third is emotional-motivational repertoire.

            With behaviorism psychology, now we can get to know ourselves better, one of which is through personality tests. In addition, through Staats research, it is known that the role of parents in caring for children is important for children's growth and development. Then, with the humanistic psychology humans have free will to make their own decisions in life. From the description above, it is clear that the Psychology of Behaviorism has many benefits for human life today.

            Are there any specific experiments Staats has done such as the Thorndike, Skinner, Pavlov and Watson experiments? If there is an experiment what is it?

            Dari  penjelasan diketahui bahwa Behaviorisme menekankan peran faktor lingkungan dalam mempengaruhi perilaku. Yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah seberapa besar peran lingkungan dalam mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang? Lalu apakah orang tua masih memiliki andil yang cukup besar dalam mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang tersebut?

Thank you for reading my jounal. I hope you like it. Stay safe and healty.


Salma Aprilia Putri

Rabu, 09 September 2020



Children hugging their teacher Free Photo


            Teori belajar behaviorism merupakan proses perubahan tingkah laku sebagai akibat adanya interaksi antara stimulus dengan respon. Menurut teori behaviorism guru memiliki kemampuan mengelola hubungan stimulus respon dalam situasi pembelajaran. Guru sebagai pemberi stimulus dan siswa sebagai pemberi respon. Ada 3 tokoh behavioristik, yaitu:

  1.        Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949), Edward melakukan eksperimen memasukkan kucing lapar ke dalam sangkar. Dari eksperimen tersebut diketahui bahwa supaya tercapai hubungan antara stimulus dan respon perlu adanya kemampuan untuk memilih respon yang tepat serta melalui usaha-usaha atau percobaan-percobaan (trials) dan kegagalan-kegagalan (errors) terlebih dahulu. Bentuk paling dasar dari belajar adalah trials and errors learning atau selecting and connecting learning.
  2.       Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904- 1990), Skinner melakukan eksperimen memasukkan tikus lapar ke dalam skinner box yang sudah dilengkapi berbagai peralatan. Berdasarkan eksperimennya Skinner menyatakan unsur terpenting dalam belajar adalah penguatan. Penguatan ada yang bersifat positif dan ada yang bersifat negatif.
  3.       Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849- 1936), Pavlov mengamati jika ada sepotong daging diletakkan di dekat mulut anjing maka air liur anjing akan keluar. Kalau daging bisa menimbulkan air liur pada anjing tanpa latihan tidak demikian yang terjadi pada stimulus yang lain misalnya bel. Menurut eksperimen Pavlov jika stimulus netral (bel) dipasangkan dengan daging (unconditioning stimulus) dan dilakukan secara berulang-ulang maka stimulus netral berubah menjadi stimulus yang terkondisikan dan memiliki kekuatan yang sama untuk mengarahkan respon anjing seperti ketika ia melihat daging. Proses ini dinamakan clasical conditioning.

            Dengan adanya teori behaviorism ini ditemukan cara mengajar bagi seorang guru. Selain itu, teori ini merupakan suatu perubahan yang dialami suatu individu sebagai bentuk perubahan tingkah laku akibat adanya stimulus dan respon. Oleh karena itu, dengan teori ini ketika saya menjadi seorang guru saya akan menerapkan beberapa teori dengan baik untuk mengajar dan mendidik siswa saya. Misalnya membiasakan siswa untuk berperilaku baik, memberikan arahan yang baik kepada siswa, tidak memberikan hukuman yang berat kepada siswa yang melakukan kesalahan, tidak memberikan siswa tugas yang berlebihan, dll.

             Melihat manfaat yang didapat dari teori behaviorism, apakah seorang guru wajib menerapkan teori tersebut kepada siswanya?

            Yang ingin saya ketahui lebih lanjut adalah apakah teori tersebut masih relevan untuk digunakan pada masa sekarang?  Melihat kini  banyak siswa yang sulit diberi dorongan & motivasi untuk belajar dan cenderung mengikuti kemauannya sendiri. Sedangkan  menurut teori ini seorang guru memiliki kemampuan mengelola hubungan stimulus respon dalam situasi pembelajaran. Selain itu jika dilihat dari kurikulum, pada masa sekarang telah menggunakan kurikulum K-13 yang sangat bertolak belakang dengan teori behaviorism. Dimana dalam kurikulum K-13 siswa diminta aktif dalam proses pembelajaran sedangkan pada teori behaviourism siswa lebih cenderung pasif dan gurulah yang aktif. 

Thank you for reading my first journal. I hope you like it. Stay safe and healty.


Salma Aprilia Putri