Rabu, 16 September 2020



    Behaviorism is a theory of learning which states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a process called conditioning.

1.      John Broadus Watson

            The behaviorist movement began in 1913 when John Watson wrote an article entitled 'Psychology as the behaviorist views it.' Watson completed experiments with baby Albert and white rat. To conduct the experiment Watson and his assistant Rayner placed the boy in a room where a white rat was allowed to roam around. First, the boy showed no fear. Then Rayner struck a steel bar with a hammer every time Albert reached out to touch the rat, scaring Albert and causing him to cry. Eventually, Albert tried to get away from the rat. Weeks later Albert showed distress towards any furry object. Watson assumed that our behavior is either a reflex evoked by a stimulus or a consequence of our individual history of earlier exposure to reinforcements and punishment paired with our curret motivational states and stimuli.

2.     Arthur W. Staats

            Arthur W. Staats  psychological behaviorism extends behaviorism to the field of psychology. The components of psychology include personality, learning, and emotions. Staats was the first person to propose that personality consists of a repertoire of learned behaviors. These behaviors stem from the interactions between the environment, biology, cognition, and emotions. According to Staats  personality theory, there are three behavioral repertoires that contribute to a theory of personality. The first of these is sensory-motor repertoire, which includes sensory-motor skills and attentional and social skills. The second is language-cognitive repertoire, and the third is emotional-motivational repertoire.

            With behaviorism psychology, now we can get to know ourselves better, one of which is through personality tests. In addition, through Staats research, it is known that the role of parents in caring for children is important for children's growth and development. Then, with the humanistic psychology humans have free will to make their own decisions in life. From the description above, it is clear that the Psychology of Behaviorism has many benefits for human life today.

            Are there any specific experiments Staats has done such as the Thorndike, Skinner, Pavlov and Watson experiments? If there is an experiment what is it?

            Dari  penjelasan diketahui bahwa Behaviorisme menekankan peran faktor lingkungan dalam mempengaruhi perilaku. Yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah seberapa besar peran lingkungan dalam mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang? Lalu apakah orang tua masih memiliki andil yang cukup besar dalam mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang tersebut?

Thank you for reading my jounal. I hope you like it. Stay safe and healty.


Salma Aprilia Putri

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